• New Poll Supports Voters’ Call for Redistricting Reform


    Trump Supporters, Black Voters Agree: District Maps are Rigged

    What’s one thing that Donald Trump supporters and African Americans in North Carolina agree on? By large majorities, according to a new poll, they think the way state legislators draw their political districts is unfair and too influenced by partisan politics.

    The poll, commissioned by the nonpartisan group Democracy North Carolina, reveals unusually broad support across the political spectrum for redistricting reform.

    Overall, four out of five North Carolina voters (80%) say it’s not fair for politicians to draw their own districts. That includes 85% of Democrats, 74% of Republicans, 80% of independents – as well as 70% of Trump supporters and 80% of African Americans.

    The poll, also shows that voters want elected leaders who will change the system.

    A majority of Democrats (58%) and Republicans (56%) agreed they’d be more likely to vote for candidates who support an impartial method for drawing voting districts. Support for reform is even more important among the crucial sector of unaffiliated voters; 68% say they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who favors an impartial redistricting system.

    “People recognize that politicians are choosing their voters, instead of the other way around,” said Democracy NC spokesperson Jen Jones. “By using computers, politicians can draw lines that separate voters by race and party, create safe districts, and shield themselves from the will of the people. It’s not fair, and voters across party lines want the process to change.”

    Democracy NC is a member of the NC Coalition for Lobbying and Governmental Reform, which spans the liberal-conservative spectrum, from the NC Justice Center to the John Locke Foundation. The coalition is holding a press conference at 10:30 today in front of the General Assembly that features the diverse voices of ordinary citizens who support redistricting reform.

    The citizens are presenting thousands of petitions to NC House Speaker Tim Moore later today. They are also using the poll’s findings to show legislators the breadth of support for reform.

    The poll says a solid majority of all voters, regardless of age, race, gender or party affiliation think the current process of legislators drawing districts is wrong and too partisan. Opposition is strongest among women, and the importance of choosing a candidate who favors reform increases with the voters’ age. About equal shares of white and black (81% v. 80%) voters think the current system is unfair, but black voters are more likely than whites (94% v. 59%) to be very concerned about the influence of partisan favoritism on how maps are drawn.

    Full poll here.

    The poll was conducted April 4-5 by Public Policy Polling and has a +/- error margin of 4%.

    Get involved with the fight for redistricting reform today, visit: demnc.co/fairmaps



    Will Rogers owns a Shoe Repair Shop (the ONLY one in Moore County). We all know that it’s tough to make a small business go these days, but for Will, it’s been tougher than most. The work on Morganton Road’s bridge over US 1 a couple of years ago forced Will out of business and into foreclosure. Real estate broker Rick Fleming bought his equipment back from the bank, and put him back in business in the circle around the courthouse in Carthage. Customer Ronald David publicized Will’s plight in the Pilot a couple of years ago, but business is still slow. And if you’ve seen Democrat Sarah Hillmer lately, you’ve likely been handed his card, as she’s been trying to drum up some business for Will!

    Chances are that you’ve had shoes that needed repair, but you may have tossed them because you didn’t know where to go. NOW YOU DO!!

    It’s businesses like Will Rogers’ Shoe Repair that need the support of ALL of us, but let’s start with the Moore County Democratic Party! Will’s shop is located off the circle at 14 Courthouse Square in Carthage. He’s a veteran, an all-around good guy, and, oh yes, he does purses too!


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